16 April 2014 legislature

  • Monday, 14 December 2015

    National Assembly Deputy Speaker at First Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum Meeting in Vienna

    National Assembly Deputy Speaker and member of the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic took part in the first meeting of the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum on 14 December 2015, in Vienna, Austria.

  • Monday, 14 December 2015

    National Assembly House Hosts Panel Discussion on “Argentina in Light of Modern Politics”

    The National Assembly House hosted a panel discussion on “Argentina in light of modern politics” on 14 December.

  • Monday, 14 December 2015

    33rd Sitting of the Health and Family Committee

    At the sitting held on 14 December, the members of the Health and Family Committee discussed, in principle, three bills submitted by the Government and included in the agenda for the Ninth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

  • Monday, 14 December 2015

    Belgrade Students Visit National Assembly

    The Chairman of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija Milovan Drecun met today with a group of students of Belgrade faculties to discuss the Committee’s work, the current situation in Kosovo-Metohija and the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

  • Monday, 14 December 2015

    54th Sitting of the Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government

    At the sitting held on 14 December, the members of the Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government discussed, in principle, the Bill on Enforcement and Security, Bill amending and modifying the Law on Public Notaries, Bill amending and modifying the Law on Organisation of Courts, Bill amending the Law on Judges, Bill amending the Law on Public Prosecution, Bill amending and modifying the Law on the High Judicial Council, Bill amending and modifying the Law on the State Prosecutorial Council, Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Judicial Academy, Bill amending and modifying the Law on Court Fees and the Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Government of the Republic of Poland on Mutual Protection of Classified Information, submitted by the Government.

  • Saturday, 12 December 2015

    158th Sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues

    At the sitting held on 12 December, the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues reviewed the 13 bills proposed for discussion at the Ninth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2015.

  • Saturday, 12 December 2015

    79th Sitting of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending

    At the sitting held on 12 December, the members of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending deliberated on the amendment the Committee had submitted on Voting Day to the Bill amending and modifying the Budget System Law.

  • Saturday, 12 December 2015

    157th Sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues

    At the sitting held on 12 December, the members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues reviewed the amendment submitted to the Bill amending and modifying the Budget System Law, on Voting Day, by the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending.

  • Saturday, 12 December 2015

    78th Sitting of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending

    At the sitting held on 12 December, the members of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending deliberated on the amendment the Committee had submitted on Voting Day to the Republic of Serbia 2016 Budget Bill.

  • Saturday, 12 December 2015

    156th Sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues

    At the sitting held on 12 December, the members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues reviewed the amendment submitted to the Republic of Serbia 2016 Budget Bill, with its accompanying Proposal of the Decision granting consent to the Republic Pension and Disability Insurance Fund 2016 Financial Plan, Proposal of the Decision granting consent to the Republic Health Insurance Fund 2016 Financial Plan, Proposal of the Decision granting consent to the National Employment Service 2016 Financial Plan and the Proposal of the Decision granting consent to the Fund for Social Insurance of Military Insured 2016 Financial Plan, by the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015 in 08:47 Hours

    Ninth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2015 Convened

    National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic convened the Ninth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2015, for Monday, 14 December, proposing 13 items for the agenda.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015

    Application Deadline for RTS Programme Board Members Expires on 18 December

    We would like to inform the public that the deadline for the application of candidates for Radio Television Serbia Public Media Institution Programme Board members is due to expire on 18 December.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015

    36th Sitting of the Culture and Information Committee

    At the sitting held on 11 December, the members of the Culture and Information Committee debated the Bill modifying the Law on Public Media Services, submitted by the Government, in detail.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015

    46th Sitting of the Foreign Affairs Committee

    At the sitting held on 11 December, the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee discussed and unanimously accepted several initiatives for visits of National Assembly delegations in the coming period.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015

    11th Sitting of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija

    At the sitting held on 11 December, the members of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija reviewed the Progress Report on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue for the period April-October 2015, submitted by the Office for Kosovo-Metohija and the Office for the Coordination of Affairs in the Process of Negotiations with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015

    49th Sitting of the Committee on Spatial Planning, Transport, Infrastructure and Telecommunications

    At the sitting held on 11 December, the Committee on Spatial Planning, Transport, Infrastructure and Telecommunications reviewed and accepted the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Activity Report for the period August-October 2015.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015

    50th Sitting of the European Integration Committee

    At the sitting held on 11 December, the European Integration Committee discussed the initiative to invite the Chairman of Bundestag’s Committee on the Affairs of the European Union to visit the National Assembly.

  • Friday, 11 December 2015

    40th Sitting of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee

    At the sitting held on 11 December, the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee discussed, in detail, the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Stimulation of Agriculture and Rural Development, submitted by the Government.

  • Thursday, 10 December 2015

    Fifth Special Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2015

    National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic convened the Fifth Special Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2015 for Thursday, 10 December 2015, starting at 11 am.

  • Thursday, 10 December 2015

    38th Sitting of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality

    The Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the Gender Equality Committee of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina held a joint sitting to mark 10 December, International Human Rights Day, at the Assembly of AP Vojvodina.

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friday, 24 january
  • 9.00 - sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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