The Interparliamentary EU information exchange (IPEX) is a platform and a network for the electronic exchange of EU-related information between Parliaments in the European Union.

Launched as an initiative of EU national Parliaments and developed with the technical assistance of the European Parliament, IPEX has served as a document database containing draft legislative proposals, consultation and information documents from the European Commission, parliamentary documents and information concerning the European Union. IPEX offers at the same time the possibility to follow the subsidiarity check deadlines. 

IPEX has progressively developed into a network that provides the Parliaments of the EU the most suitable tools and solutions for their activities in the interparliamentary cooperation and oversight on the EU actions. 

IPEX contains a calendar of interparliamentary meetings and events in the European Union, a section on national Parliaments and the European Parliament with links provided to the relevant websites and databases, as well as information on specific procedures in national Parliaments. IPEX is "the one stop shop" for information on interparliamentary activities in the EU.

The objective of IPEX is to support interparliamentary cooperation in the European Union by providing a platform for the electronic exchange of European Union related information between Parliaments/Chambers in the Union. The IPEX platform aims to be a one-stop-shop for interparliamentary European Union information exchange and a reliable source of public information.

IPEX is open to national Parliaments/Chambers of European Union member states and to the European Parliament. IPEX is also open to Parliaments/Chambers of the European Union candidate countries who may contribute to IPEX with information on European Union affairs and in accordance with their candidate status.

Clich here to visit the official IPEX website.

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thursday, 23 january
  • 10.00 - the Chairman of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee meets with a delegation of agricultural experts, representatives of association and local self-governments (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 10.00 - public hearing of the Culture and Information Committee: Public interview of the proposed candidates for members of the Council of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, Small Hall)

  • 14.00 - the Chairperson of the European Integration Committee meets with the Swedish Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

  • 16.00 - sitting of the Culture and Information Committee (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 4)

Full event calendar