National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details

14 December 2015 Participants the first meeting of the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum in Vienna
Monday, 14 December 2015
National Assembly Deputy Speaker at First Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum Meeting in Vienna
National Assembly Deputy Speaker and member of the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic took part in the first meeting of the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum on 14 December 2015, in Vienna, Austria.
The first meeting dealt with the preliminary draft of the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum Rules of Procedure, prepared by the Energy Community Secretariat, which will, after adjustment, be submitted to the Energy Community Ministerial Council for ruling. Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic commented on the Rules of Procedure in the part concerning the working and decision-making quorum, procedure for the adoption of Parliamentary Plenum reports and cost analysis. The members of the attending delegations consolidated the text of the Rules of Procedure, which the Energy Community Secretariat will forward to the European Parliament for commentary and opinion.
In the continuation, the representatives of the Energy Community Secretariat presented the Energy Community 2016 Work Programme, followed by a discussion. The Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Janez Kopac gave an overview of the transposition of the directives of the EU Third Energy Package in all Energy Community counterparties.
The meeting was attended by the parliamentary delegations of the eight signatory countries of the Energy Community Treaty.