Working Bodies

  • Wednesday, 21 November 2007

    Eighth Sitting of the Committee on Interethnic Relations

    At the sitting held on 21 November, the Committee on Interethnic Relations discussed the Draft Culture Bill and elected Committee members into a Special working group for the preparation of the text of the draft bill regulating the general issues of the position of members of national minorities and election of national minorities’ national councils.

  • Tuesday, 20 November 2007

    Seventh Sitting of the Committee on Relations with Serbs Living Outside Serbia

    The Committee on Relations with Serbs Living Outside Serbia held its seventh sitting on 20 November, chaired by the Committee Chairman, Branimir Djokic.

  • Monday, 19 November 2007

    Fifth Sitting of the Committee on Transportation and Communications

    At its fifth sitting, held on 19 November, the Committee on Transportation and Communications discussed the Ministry of Infrastructure and Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society Plan and programme for 2008.The sitting was chaired by the Committee Chairman, Vladan Vucicevic, and attended by Alexandra Smiljanic, Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society and Velimir Ilic, Minister of Infrastructure and associates.

  • Friday, 16 November 2007

    Thirtieth Sitting of the Legislative Committee

    At the sitting held on 16 November, the Legislative committee considered the 19 amendments to the Asylum Bill.

  • Friday, 16 November 2007

    Ninth Sitting of the Committee on Defence and Security

    At the sitting held on 16 November. the Committee on Security and Defence discussed the amendments to the Asylum Bill.

  • Friday, 16 November 2007

    Ninth Sitting of the Committee on Justice and Administration

    At its ninth sitting, the Committee on Justice and Administration considered the amendments to the Bill on the Constitutional Court.

  • Thursday, 15 November 2007

    Sixth Sitting of the Committee on Kosovo and Metohia

    The Committee on Kosovo and Metohia held its sixth sitting on 15 November. The sitting was chaired by the Committee Chairman, Vladimir Milentijevic.

  • Wednesday, 14 November 2007

    Eighth Sitting of the Foreign Affairs Committee

    At the sitting held on 14 November, the Foreign Affairs Committee members discussed the Foreign Affairs Bill.

  • Wednesday, 14 November 2007

    Twelfth Sitting of the Culture and Information Committee

    The Culture and Information Committee held its twelfth sitting on 14 November. The sitting was chaired by Vesna Marjanovic, Committee Chairperson, and apart from the Committee members was attended by Director General of RDU Radio Television of Serbia, Alexander Tijanic, members of the RTS Executive Board and Programme Council, representatives of the Republic Broadcasting Agency and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Ivana Stefanovic and associates.

  • Wednesday, 14 November 2007

    Twenty-Seventh Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At its twenty-seventh sitting, the Administrative Committee discussed the request of the Investigative Judge of the District Court in Sombor for authorisation to have Palamar Senad, Deputy District Public Prosecutor in Novi Pazar, remanded in custody and the Report of the Republic Electoral Commission for the purpose of filling a seat at the National Assembly.

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