Working Bodies

  • Monday, 29 October 2007

    Twenty-Seventh Sitting of the Legislative Committee

    The Legislative Committee discussed and proposed that the National Assembly adopts in principle the Bill on the confirmation of the Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the European Community on the alleviation of the visa issuance procedure, the Bill on the confirmation of the Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the European Community on the readmission of persons of illegal stay and the Bill on the confirmation of the Agreement between the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of France on the return and acceptance of individuals in an irregular situation.

  • Monday, 29 October 2007

    Twenty-Fifth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At its twenty-fifth sitting, the Administrative Committee considered the documents on the salaries of the Council members of the State Audit Institution.

  • Monday, 29 October 2007

    Seventh Sitting of the Committee on Defence and Security

    The Committee on Defence and Security held its seventh sitting on 29 October. The sitting was chaired by the Committee Chairman, Ivica Dacic.

  • Thursday, 25 October 2007

    Seventh Sitting of the Foreign Affairs Committee

    At the sitting held on 25 October, the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee brought a Decision on the formation of deputy friendship groups with 42 countries of the world.

  • Thursday, 25 October 2007

    Twenty-Fourth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    Based on the Report of the Republic Electoral Commission for the purpose of filling the deputy post at the National Assembly and documentation submitted by the Member of Parliament, at its twenty-fourth sitting, the Administrative Committee recognised the conditions to confirm the mandate of the Member of Parliament Dejan Stojiljkovic, elected from the Democratic Party of Serbia – New Serbia – Dr Vojislav Kostunica electoral list and proposed that the National Assembly acknowledges the confirmation of the mandate of the Member of Parliament Dejan Stojiljkovic.

  • Thursday, 25 October 2007

    Twenty-Third Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting on 25 October the Administrative Committee discussed the reason for the end of the mandate and proposed that the National Assembly acknowledges the end of the mandate of the late Member of Parliament Mika Vlaovic, elected from the Democratic Party of Serbia – New Serbia – Dr Vojislav Kostunica electoral list, before the end of his term.

  • Wednesday, 24 October 2007

    Fifth Sitting of the Committee on Defence and Security

    At the sitting held on 24 October, the Committee on Defence and Security discussed the Activity Report of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and the state of security in the Republic of Serbia in the period from 1 June 2006 to 30 September 2007. The sitting was chaired by the Committee Chairman, Ivica Dacic, and attended by the Minister of Interior, Dragan Jocic and associates.

  • Wednesday, 24 October 2007

    Tenth Sitting of the Culture and Information Committee

    The tenth sitting of the Culture and Information Committee held on 24 October was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Culture, State Secretary Ivana Stefanovic, Special Advisor Milena Dragicevic-Sesic and Advisor for Normatives Maja Matija-Ristic.

  • Tuesday, 23 October 2007

    Third Sitting of the Constitutional Issues Committee

    At the sitting held on 23 October and chaired by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Oliver Dulic, the Constitutional Issues Committee exchanged opinions on the application of the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and the Constitutional Law for the enforcement of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia pertaining to the election of the Mayor of the City of Belgrade.

  • Thursday, 18 October 2007

    Twenty-Sixth Sitting of the Legislative Committee

    At the sitting held on 18 October, the Legislative Committee determined as legally possible all amendments (six in total) submitted to the Proposal of the Declaration of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on the Censure of the blockade and isolation of the Republic of Cuba by the United States of America.

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