
  • Friday, 16 March 2012

    Submission of Citizens’ Signatures Calling for Abolition of VAT and Limitation of Trade Margins on Baby Equipment and Food

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic attended the submission of citizens’ signatures to the National Assembly in support of the initiative of B92 Fund to abolish VAT and limit trade margins on baby equipment and food.

  • Friday, 16 March 2012

    National Assembly Speaker Signs Book of Condolences

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic signed the book of condolences at the Residence of the Embassy of Belgium. The book of condolences was opened to commemorate the bus accident at the Swiss town of Sierre which claimed 28 lives.

  • Thursday, 15 March 2012

    Portuguese Ambassador’s Farewell Visit

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic received the Portuguese Ambassador Luís de Almeida Sampaio in a farewell visit.

  • Wednesday, 14 March 2012

    National Assembly Speaker with Zlatko Lagumdzija

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic spoke to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zlatko Lagumdzija.

  • Tuesday, 13 March 2012

    Local Elections in Four More Municipalities

    In line with Article 87 of the Law on Local Self-Government, the conditions have been met for the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic to call local elections in four more municipalities: Vrnjacka Banja, Knjazevac, Prijepolje and Ruma, for 6 May 2012, the day of the local elections in the other self-government units.

  • Tuesday, 13 March 2012

    National Assembly Speaker Calls Local Elections

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic called the local elections:

  • Monday, 12 March 2012

    National Assembly Speaker Receives Egeresi

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic received the Speaker of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina Sandor Egeresi.

  • Monday, 12 March 2012

    National Assembly Speaker Receives Thorbjørn Jagland

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic received Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland.

  • Saturday, 10 March 2012

    National Assembly Speaker at International Conference on Women’s Leadership

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic took part in the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Women’s Leadership (9-11 March) at the National Assembly House.

  • Friday, 9 March 2012

    National Assembly Speaker Meets with Young People from Novi Pazar

    The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic received a group of young people from Novi Pazar, welcomed them to the house of all citizens, the National Assembly House, and advised them to nurture the system of values and build bridges between the East and West.

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