Administrative Committee

  • Wednesday, 29 February 2012

    Hundred and Twelfth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting held on 29 February, the Administrative Committee considered and adopted the Decision granting consent to the Instruction on Office and Electronic Office Administration at the National Assembly (act of the Secretary General).

  • Wednesday, 8 February 2012

    Hundred and Eleventh Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At its 111th sitting, held on 8 February, the Administrative Committee adopted five decisions within its scope: Decision on the use of parking space around the National Assembly building, Decision on the conditions and manner of use of official vehicles for the needs of the National Assembly, Decision on the MP IDs, Decision on permanent IDs, as well as the Decision on shorthand notes at the National Assembly.

  • Wednesday, 28 December 2011

    Hundred and Tenth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting held on 28 December, the Administrative Committee held the first electronic sitting at the National Assembly. The sitting was attended by National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, as well as National Assembly Secretary General Veljko Odalovic and representatives of the OSCE Mission in Belgrade.

  • Tuesday, 27 December 2011

    Hundred and Ninth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting held on 27 December, the Administrative Committee considered the request submitted by MP Milan Urosevic for an opinion relating to article 28, paragraph 4 of the Law on the Anti-Corruption Agency. The Committee gave a positive opinion on the request.

  • Wednesday, 21 December 2011

    Hundred and Eighth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting held on 21 December, the Administrative Committee considered the opinion of the Ministry of Finance on the National Assembly’s 2012 Budget Proposal which stated that the part relating to the allotment of funds for electoral activities relating to the election of the President of the Republic could not be accepted. Based on the opinion, the Committee unanimously formulated an amended National Assembly’s 2012 Budget Proposal.

  • Monday, 5 December 2011

    Hundred and Seventh Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting held on 5 December, the Administrative Committee considered the National Assembly’s 2012 Budget Proposal which set the National Assembly’s expenditure for next year at 4,424,470,800 RSD.

  • Thursday, 1 December 2011

    Hundred and Sixth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting held on 1 December, the Administrative Committee considered the Republic Electoral Commission Report for the purpose of filling vacant MP seats at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

  • Thursday, 1 December 2011

    Hundred and Fifth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting held on 1 December, the Administrative Committee considered the grounds for the termination of term of office of MP Cimesa Dragomir.

  • Tuesday, 22 November 2011

    Hundred and Fourth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the hundred and fourth sitting, on 17 November, the Administrative Committee deliberated on the Rulebook on Internal Organisation and Job Systematisation at the National Assembly Service, and in the continuation, on 22 November, gave consent to the act.

  • Thursday, 17 November 2011

    Hundred and Fourth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the sitting, held on 17 November, the Administrative Committee adopted the decisions on fines for the reprimands issued for disturbing the order at the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Extraordinary Sessions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011 and the Second Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011 to MPs Dobrislav Prelic, Vjerica Radeta, Zoran Krasic, Sulejman Spaho, Petar Jojic, Radisa Ilic and Nemanja Sarovic, amounting to 404 151 RSD total.

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