Monday, 3 December 2007

Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2007

The following agenda was set for the Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2007 convened by the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Oliver Dulic, for 3 December, and which began after the conclusion of the Fourth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2007: 1. The Bill on Defence2. The Bill on the Serbian Armed Forces3. The Foreign Affairs Bill4. The Bill on the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia The National Assembly accepted the proposal to conduct a joint discussion in principle on the bills on Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

The following agenda was set for the Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2007 convened by the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Oliver Dulic, for 3 December, and which began after the conclusion of the Fourth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2007:

1. The Bill on Defence

2. The Bill on the Serbian Armed Forces

3. The Foreign Affairs Bill

4. The Bill on the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia

The National Assembly accepted the proposal to conduct a joint discussion in principle on the bills on Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

The elaboration of these bills was given by the Minister of Defence, Dragan Sutanovac, saying that their adoption will benefit not only the defence system, but all the citizens of Serbia. He stressed that these bills are a precondition for the continuation of the reform and transformation of the Serbian Army in accordance with the needs of the defence and available material and human resources. They also create the conditions for the maintenance of necessary operationality and functionality of the army, as well as for the strengthening of civilian control over armed forces. Sutanovac then elaborated the solutions proposed for the creation of a modern defence system.

By the end of the first work day, the National Assembly completed the joint discussion in principle on the bills on Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

On the second day of the session, 4 December, the National Assembly conducted a discussion in principle on the Foreign Affairs Bill and commenced a discussion in principle on the Bill on the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia.

At the beginning of the discussion on the Foreign Affairs Bill, the members of parliament were addressed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vuk Jeremic, on behalf of the submitters, saying that the adoption of this bill will clearly define the diplomatic activities of Serbia as the defender of political, security and national interests. Minister Jeremic said that the Bill will establish the basis for the creation of modern and efficient diplomatic service in touch with its surroundings, adding that the members of parliament have before them a modern reform bill which is an important part of the constitutional-legal framework of the country and that its adoption will round up the legal regulative and structure of Serbian diplomacy. In his address Jeremic also stressed the Serbia is entering a year of great challenges for its foreign policy, most importantly, the struggle to keep its territorial integrity and expediently join the European Union.

The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Milan Markovic, elaborated the Bill on the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia. He emphasised that the Bill will ensure a higher level of democratic control and more efficient work of the services, while its most important advantage is the creation of a unified security system and security intelligence community. Instead of five, there will be three intelligence services in Serbia - Security Intelligence, as a separate organisation and Military Intelligence and Military Security Agencies as administrative organs within the Serbian Ministry of Defence. The key innovations of the Bill, according to him, pertain to the foundation of a National Defence Council and Bureau for the coordination of the security services’ activities, as well as the defining of the security intelligence system as a unified system. Markovic emphasised that the Bill states that the National Assembly controls and supervises the security services’ work through the authorised Committee on Defence and Security, which will establish a higher level of democratic control over these services.

For the rest of the second day, the National Assembly conducted a discussion in principle on the Bill on the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia.

At the beginning of the third day of the session, 5 December, the National Assembly acknowledged that the mandate of Member of Parliament Ivan Zivadinovic, elected from the G17 PLUS-Mladjan Dinkic electoral list, ended on the day of his tendering a resignation.

In the morning, the National Assembly concluded the discussion in principle on the Bill on the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia, and in the afternoon it commenced a discussion on the amendments submitted to the Bill on Defence.

On 6 December, the National Assembly went on to conclude the discussion in detail of the Bill on Defence, and in the afternoon it commenced the discussion in detail of the Bill on the Serbian Armed Forces.

The National Assembly acknowledged the confirmation of mandate to the member of parliament Momcilo Spasic, elected from the G17 PLUS - Mladjan Dinkic electoral list.

On 7 December, the National Assembly conducted a discussion in detail on the Bill on the Serbian Armed Forces.

Voting Day

On the sixth day of work, 10 December, the National Assembly concluded the discussion in detail on the Foreign Affairs Bill and the Bill on the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia.

Since the National Assembly had conducted the discussions in principle and detail on all the items on the agenda, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Oliver Dulic, set the Voting Day for the continuation of the sitting at 11,55 p.m.

On the Voting Day the National Assembly adopted the bills on Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces, Foreign Affairs and the basic organisation of security services of the Republic of Serbia in their entirety.

Having completed the voting process the National Assembly stated that there were no violations of the Rules of Procedure pointed out by the members of parliament during the sitting.

Since the National Assembly had conducted discussions on all the items on the agenda and decided upon them, the Speaker, Oliver Dulic, concluded the Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2007, on 11 December, at 1,20 a.m.

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friday, 14 february
  • 11.00 - sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

  • 12.00 - press conference of the MP Igor Braunovic (National Assembly House 13, Nikola Pasic Square, Central Hall)

Full event calendar