28 January 2016 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (photo ©Council of Europe)

28 January 2016 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (photo ©Council of Europe)

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Council of Europe Adopts Resolution on Kosovo

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe unanimously adopted the Resolution of Agustin Conde on the situation in Kosovo.

Despite the Albanian side’s efforts to have the parts concerning the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities stricken from the Resolution, the provision was kept in by majority vote. Among other things the Resolution notes that Kosovo’s membership application to UNESCO was rejected, and encourages the use of the available co-operation mechanisms already in place of the Pristina authorities via UNMIK with INTERPOL and EULEX.

“This is an important victory for the Serbian delegation. We spared no effort to keep the formulations that are in our favour. We worked on it for months and our work paid out. The Albanian side worked diligently and actively sought the support of the states that recognised the independence of Kosovo-Metohija to change the text of the Resolution. Still, it was not enough and we got the Resolution we wanted”, said the Head of the Serbian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Aleksandra Djurovic.

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