Delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE

The Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE was constituted in 1990 at the Summit in Paris within the institutionalization of the then Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) with aim to promote greater inclusion of parliaments of member states in the activities of CSCE, and to facilitate inter-parliamentary dialogue and cooperation. Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE established the Democracy Development Program in order to expand the inclusion of the Assembly in the strengthening of democratic values and legislative institutions in developing democracies.

Plenary sessions are convened twice a year: the annual session is held in one of the member states, and there is also the winter session held in Vienna. During the sessions, meetings of working bodies are organized, as well as the topical summer meeting held in one of the countries of the Mediterranean.

After the participation at the First Constitutive Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE 1991 and the termination of membership due to sanctions, Serbia’s membership was renewed in 2001.
The composition of the delegation can be downloaded from the appropriate Internet page

For additional information about the organization see:

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