National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details

Tuesday, 2 July 2002
The Fourth Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2002
At the request of the group of 116 Deputies from the Democratic Opposition of Serbia Deputies's Group, the Chairperson of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Ms Natasa Micic, convened the Fourth Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2002 for Tuesday, July 2, beginning at 10 am.
The agenda for the Fourth Extraordinary Sitting had been set in the request made by the group of Deputies calling for the Sitting to be convened.
At the very beginning of the Sitting, Ms Micic informed the Deputies that the Prime Minister of the Serbian Government, Deputy Prime Ministers, other Ministers, the Secretary of Serbian Government, as well as the Secretary of the Republican Secretariat for Legislation - had been all invited to attend the Sitting. She added that the representatives of the following organisations had also been invited: Centre for Free Elections and Democracy, National movement `Resistance`, National Democratic Institute, The Association of University Teachers of the Republic of Serbia - section `Colubara`, as well as the USAID representatives.
The Assembly confirmed that Mr Rodoljub Sabic, the Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, ended his term of office after having submitted his formal resignation.
Deputy Cedomir Jovanovic, the representative of the Group of Deputies which issued the request for the Fourth Extraordinary Sitting to be convened, submitted a written information on the changes in the sequence of items of the adopted agenda.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia informed the Assembly that it had withdrawn from the procedure the Public Broadcasting Bill, submitted to the Assembly on April 5, 2002.
According to these changes, the following agenda was adopted :
1. The Proposal for the Nomination of the Secretary of the National Assembly, submitted by Natasa Micic, the Chairperson of the National Assembly,
2. The Public Procurement Bill, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia,
3. The Bills Amending and Modifying the Act on Employment in Government Bodies, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia,
4. The Bill Modifying the Ministries Act, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia ,
5. The Proposal of a Decision on Animal Health Protection Measures in the Republic of Serbia in the years 2002, 2003 and 2004, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
In the course of the sitting, the Assembly held a debate on the Proposal submitted by the Chairperson of the Assembly that Ms Andjelka Dimitrijevic be appointed Secretary of the National Assembly. The Deputies shall vote on this Proposal on the Voting Day, after the debate on all items on the agenda has been completed.
After the debate in principle, the Deputies started the debate in particulars on the submitted Amendments to the Public Procurement Bill.
At the beginning of the afternoon session the Government of the Republic of Serbia informed the Assembly about the withdrawal from the procedure of the Bill Modifying the Ministries Act, explaining that the adoption of this act was not necessary at the moment.
On the second day (july 3), during the morning session, the Assembly concluded the debate in particulars on the Public Procurement Bill.
At the beginning of the afternoon session, the Deputies were addressed by Mr Rodoljub Sabic, Minister of State and Local Governance in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the representative of the movers of the Bill Amending and Modifying the Act on Employment in Government Bodies. When work continued, the Assembly concluded the debate on this Bill both in principle and in particulars.
In the course of the sitting the Assembly held a debate on the Proposal of the Decision on Animal Health Protection Measures in the Republic of Serbia for the years 2002, 2003 and 2004. At the beginning of the debate, the Deputies were addressed by the Minister of Agriculture in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Dragan Veselinov.
After the debate on all items on the agenda for the Fourth Extraordinary Sitting concluded, the Chairperson, Ms Natasa Micic, set July 4 as the Voting Day.
On July 4, 2002, the National Assembly adopted the Proposal for the Nomination of the Secretary of the National Assembly. Ms Andjelka Dimitrijevic resumed her term of office immediately after the voting.
The Assembly adopted as a whole both the Public Procurement Bill and the Bill Amending and Modifying the Act on Employment in Government bodies.
The adoption of the Proposal of a Decision on Animal Health Protection Measures marked at the same time the end of the Fourth Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in the year 2002.