Tuesday, 9 July 2002

The Fifth Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2002

At the request of the group of 105 deputies of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia Deputies' Group, the Chairperson of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Ms Natasa Micic, convened the Fifth Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly in 2002 for Tuesday, July 9, beginning at 10 am.

At the request of the group of 105 deputies of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia Deputies' Group, the Chairperson of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Ms Natasa Micic, convened the Fifth Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly in 2002 for Tuesday, July 9, beginning at 10 am. The agenda had been set in the request for the Sitting to be convened.

At the beginning of the Sitting, Ms Micic informed the deputies that the Prime Minister of the Serbian Government, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and the Secretary of the Government had been all invited to attend the Sitting, together with the Secretary of the Secretariat for Legislation of the Republic of Serbia, the representatives of the Centre for Free Elections and Democracy, the Popular Movement `Otpor`, the National Democratic Institute, The Association of Serbian University Teachers- section `Kolubara` and the USAID representatives.

The agenda for the Fifth Extraordinary Sitting was as follows:

1. The Public Broadcasting Bill, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;

2. The Bill Modifying and Amending the Law on the Organisation of Courts, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;

3. The Bill Modifying and Amending the Law on the Justices of the Court, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;

4. The Bill Modifying and Amending the Law on the Seats and Regions under the Jurisdiction of Courts and Public Prosecutors, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;

5. The Bill Modifying and Amending the Law on the Supreme Judiciary Council, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;

6. The Bill Modifying and Amending the Law on Public Prosecutors, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;

7. The Proposals of the Decisions on the Termination of Office and Election of the Judiciary Representatives, submitted by the Committee of Justice and Administration and the Supreme Judiciary Council;

8. The Proposal of the Decision on the Nomination of Members of the Board for Reconstruction and Development of Sremski Karlovci, submitted by the deputy Ivan Andric, Chairman of the Committee of Culture and Information of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

The National Assembly adopted the proposal of the representative of the group of movers of the motion for the Fifth Extraordinary Sitting to be convened, Mr Cedomir Jovanovic ( Chairman of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia Deputies' Group), that the items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the agenda should be debated in principle.

At the outset of the debate in principle on the Public Broadcasting Bill, the deputies were addressed by the representative of the mover of the Bill, Mr Zarko Korac, the Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

In the course of the session, the National Assembly held the debate in principle on the above mentioned Bill.

On the second day of the Sitting (July 10), the deputies concluded the debate in principle on the Public Broadcasting Bill and started the debate in particulars on the Bill and the submitted amendments.

At the request of the representative of the movers of the motion for the Sitting to be convened, Mr Cedomir Jovanovic (Chairman of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia Deputies' Group), a new item was added to the agenda for the Sitting. The eighth item was: the Bill on Organisation and Jurisdiction of State Bodies in Supressing Organised Crime, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

On the third working day (July 11), the National Assembly held and concluded the debate in particulars on the Public Broadcasting Bill. The Bill will be voted on the Voting Day.

At the outset of the fourth working day (July 15), the Assembly adopted the proposal of Mr Cedomir Jovanovic, representative of the movers of the motion for the Fifth Extraordinary Sitting to be convened and the Chairman of the DOS Deputies' Group, that three new items should be included in the existing agenda.

After concluding the debate on the set of judiciary laws, the Assembly will consider, as item 8 on the agenda, the Proposal of a Decision on Setting up an Inquiry Board of the National Assembly, submitted by Mr Cedomir Jovanovic, deputy in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. The objective of the Inquiry Board will be to determine the facts concerning the alleged misuse of public office by top state officials and the unauthorised activities of their subordinates.

Under item 9 on the agenda, the deputies will discuss the Draft Law on the Amendments to the Law on Local Elections, also submitted by Mr Cedomir Jovanovic. Item number 10 on the agenda will be the Draft Law on Security and Intelligence Agency, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

The National Assembly also adopted the proposal of Mr Cedomir Jovanovic, Chairman of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia Deputies' Group, that the Draft Law on Security and Intelligence Agency and the Bill on Organisation and Jurisdiction of State Bodies in Fighting Organised Crime should be debated jointly.

In the course of the sitting, the Assembly held a joint debate in principle on Bills Modifying and Amending the Law on the Organisation of Courts, the Law on Judges, the Law on Seats and Regions under Jurisdiction of Courts and Public Prosecutors' Offices, the Law on the High Judiciary Council and Public Prosecutors, as well as the Proposals of Decisions on the Election and Termination of Office of Judiciary Officials. Also included in the agenda were: the Proposal of the Decision on Release from Office of the Judges of both General Jurisdiction Courts and Special Jurisdiction Courts, together with the amendments of July 8 and 15; the Proposal of the Decision on the Election of Judges and Presiding Judges of the General Jurisdiction Courts, High Court of Trade and other Courts of Trade, together with the amendments submitted on July 8 and 12; the Proposal of a Decision on the Election of Public Prosecutors.

Regarding these issues, the deputies were addressed by Mr Vladan Batic, the Minister of Justice in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the representative of the movers of the above mentioned proposals.

During the morning session, the National Assembly held and finished the joint debate in principle on the

proposed Bills and Decisions. By the end of the session the Assembly also finished the debate in particulars and on the submitted amendments to Judiciary Bills which are to be voted on the Voting Day.

The National Assembly continues work.

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wednesday, 18 september
  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

Full event calendar