National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details

17 December 2015 The Serbian Assembly and Russian Duma set up an Interparliamentary Commission
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Serbian Assembly and Russian Duma Set Up Interparliamentary Commission
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation set up an Interparliamentary Commission today, 17 December, in Moscow, with the aim of promoting and deepening political, economic, social and cultural relations between the two countries. The State Duma has this type of cooperation only with China, India, France, Italy and several of its neighbouring countries.
The Commission meeting was opened by the two parliament speakers, Maja Gojkovic and Sergey Naryshkin.
On the occasion Gojkovic said that the Interparliamentary Commission, as the next step toward strengthening cooperation, aims to deepen and concretise cooperation by activating the two parliaments’ working bodies, and added that she thought it to be a suitable model to tackle many complex issues of common interest.
Gojkovic said that Serbia with its internal reform, achieved political and economic stability widely recognised by the international community, and reinforced the potential to improve bilateral and regional cooperation with all of its partners which is especially important in view of the challenges such as the refugee crisis, extremism and terrorism.
Speaking about economic cooperation, Gojkovic said that both sides strive to promote cooperation in the sphere and have recognised future potentials, especially in the spheres of infrastructure, energy, agriculture, tourism and in the domain of financial cooperation
The National Assembly Speaker thanked the Russian Federation for its principled and unswerving support as regards the Kosovo-Metohija issue.
The first meeting of the Commission is attended by MPs Aleksandra Djurovic, Marija Obradovic, Milovan Drecun, Aleksandra Tomic, Ljubisa Stojmirovic, Milorad Mijatovic, Dijana Vukomanovic, Aleksandar Martinovic and Dragomir Karic.
On the behalf of the State Duma the meeting was attended by Ivan Ivanovich Melnikov, Alexey Konstantinovich Pushkov, Mikhail Vasilevich Emelyanov, Svetlana Zhurova, Leonid Ivanovich Kalashnikov, Vadim Valentinovich Kumin, Viktor Yevgrafovich Shudegov, Viktor Mikhailovich Zavarzin and Kirill Igorevich Cherkasov.