Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Security Services Control Committee in Supervisory Visit to Military Intelligence Agency Centre in Nis

In line with the Committee’s 2014 Activity Plan, the Security Services Control Committee conducted a supervisory visit to the Military Intelligence Agency Centre in Nis on 4 November 2014.

The Committee delegation was headed by Committee Chairman Momir Stojanovic and comprised Committee members Veroljub Arsic, Goran Bogdanovic and Zeljko Susec, and Committee substitute members Dr Milorad Mijatovic and Sinisa Maksimovic.
In line with its duties pursuant to the Law on the Bases of Security Services Organization, Law on the Military Security Agency and Military Intelligence Agency, National Assembly Rules of Procedure and the Committee Decision regulating the manner in which the Committee conducted direct supervision over the work of the security services, the Committee delegation supervised the legality of the Military Intelligence Agency Centre’s work.
The Committee delegation ascertained that the members of the Military Intelligence Agency Centre in Nis act in accordance with procedures prescribed by law and noted that an initiative should be launched to amend certain laws and pass by-laws which would boost the Military Intelligence Agency’s efficiency.

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  • 10.00 - European Heritage Days - citizens visit the National Assembly House (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square)

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