Friday, 12 April 2024

Second Sitting of the European Integration Committee

At the sitting held on 12 April 2024, the members of the European Integration Committee selected a delegation to take part in the 19th meeting of the Conference of the European Integration/Affairs Committees of States Participating in the Stabilisation and Association Process of the South-East Europe (COSAP), to be held on 12-14 April 2024 in Podgorica, Montenegro.

The Committee members selected, by majority vote, Elvira Kovacs, Dubravka Filipovski and Dr Ana Jakovljevic to comprise the delegation.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairperson Elvira Kovacs, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Dr Ana Jakovljevic, Robert Kozma, Dijana Radovic, Dubravka Filipovski, Stanislava Janosevic, Goran Milic, Sanja Dzajic, Milan Radin, Dr Tijana Diligenski Peric, Dr Ksenija Markovic, Dragan Jonic, Zagorka Aleksic, Branislav Josifovic and Ana Miljanic.

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  • 9.00 - sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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