1 February 2016  Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2016

1 February 2016 Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2016

Monday, 1 February 2016

Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2016

At the request of the Serbian Government, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic convened the Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2016, for Monday, 1 February, starting at 10 am.

Based on the Decision of the Republic Electoral Commission on the allocation of an MP’s term of office to fill a vacated seat in the National Assembly, and at the proposal of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues, the National Assembly noted the verification of the term of office of MP Slobodan Velickovic, elected from the IVICA DACIC – “Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS), United Serbia (US)” Electoral List, after which the newly-elected MP took the oath of office.

The request to hold the session specified the following agenda:

1. Bill on International Restrictive Measures, submitted by the Government;
2. Bill on the Confirmation of the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation Between territorial Communities or Authorities, submitted by the Government;
3. Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon on Visa Abolition for Bearers of Diplomatic, Special and Service Passports, submitted by the Government; and
4. Bill on Sports, submitted by the Government.

The National Assembly accepted the proposal of MP Maja Gojkovic to complete a joint debate in principle and single debate on items 1, 2 and 3 on the agenda for the session.

The National Assembly then commenced the joint debate in principle and single debate on the Bill on International Restrictive Measures, Bill on te Confirmation of the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation Between territorial Communities or Authorities and the Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon on Visa Abolition for Bearers of Diplomatic, Special and Service Passports.

The bills were elaborated by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic.

By the end of the day, the National Assembly had completed the joint debate in principle and single debate on items 1, 2 and 3 on the agenda, and commenced a debate in principle on the Bill on Sports, elaborated by representative of the submitter Minister of Youth and Sports Vanja Udovicic.

On the second day of the session, 2 February, before commencing the proceedings, the heads i.e. authorised representatives of the parliamentary groups, MPs Shaip Kamberi, Dragan Jovanovic, M.Sci Dr.med.dent Blagoje Bradic, Dragan Sutanovac, Nedjo Jovanovic and Zarko Micin, requested information and explanations in line with article 287 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure.

The National Assembly conducted and, by the end of the day, concluded a debate in principle on the Bill on Sports.

The session was attended by Minister of Youth and Sports Vanja Udovicic.

On the third day of the session, 3 February, the National Assembly completed a debate in detail on the Bill on International Restrictive Measures.

On the fourth day of the session, 4 February, before commencing the proceedings, the heads i.e. authorised representatives of the parliamentary groups, MPs Marko Djurisic, Aleksandra Jerkov, Aleksandar Martinovic, Riza Halimi and Zvonimir Stevic, requested information and explanations in line with article 287 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure.

The National Assembly then went on to commence and conclude a debate in detail on item 4 on the agenda.

As the National Assembly had completed the debate, in principle and in detail, on all the items on the agenda, the Chair, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic set Thursday, 4 February 2016, as Voting Day on all the items on the agenda for the Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2016, starting at 5.40 pm.

Voting Day

On Voting Day, 4 February, by majority vote, the National Assembly passed the Bill on International Restrictive Measures, Bill on the Confirmation of the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation Between territorial Communities or Authorities, Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon on Visa Abolition for Bearers of Diplomatic, Special and Service Passports and the Bill on Sports.

On Voting Day, the National Assembly also ruled on the violations of the Rules of Procedure the MPs complained of in the course of the session and decided that none of the provisions of the Rules of Procedure had been violated.

As the National Assembly had completed the debate on all the items on the agenda and ruled on them, National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic concluded the Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2016.

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