Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Press Release

As of Tuesday, 23 April, data on the number of voters in each local government unit will be published every month. This is a direct result of the parliamentary dialogue initiated by Serbian Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic on the improvement of election conditions and the implementation of ODIHR recommendations.

In this way, all citizens of the Republic of Serbia will be able to monitor any changes in the number of voters on the unified electoral roll on a monthly basis in each local self-government unit. This will further increase the transparency and frequency of information, given that until now this data was available every three months.

The publication of the exact number of voters in each of the local self-government units was made possible by the adoption of the Instruction amending and modifying to the Instructions on the Implementation of the Law on the Unified Electoral Roll, prepared by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.

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