18 July 2017 The representatives of national minority parties in meeting with the PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs

18 July 2017 The representatives of national minority parties in meeting with the PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

National Minority Representatives Meet with PACE Monitoring Committee Co-Rapporteurs Samad Seyidov and Maria Guzenina

In the meeting with the representatives of national minority parties, the PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs mainly inquired about the reform process since the PACE Committee’s last visit.

Elvira Kovacs, representative of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians, focused on the Action Plan for Chapter 23 which contains a special section on national minority rights which she believes is very significant. She also emphasized the importance of the procedure to amend and modify the Law on National Councils of National Minorities and the proportional representation of national minority members in public administration.

Enis Imamovic, representative of SDA Sandzak-Dr Sulejman Ugljanin, briefed the co-rapporteurs on the drafting of the Action Plan on national minority rights and the fact that the Bosniak national minority has dropped out of the process.

The representative of SDA Sandzak Bajro Gegic agreed with his fellow MPs adding that Serbia’s EU accession means equal rights for all of its citizens.

Fatmir Hasani, representative of the Party of Democratic Action-Ardita Sinani, drew attention to the problems of the Albanian national minority, mounting unemployment and insufficient economic development of the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo. He also said he believes these solutions can be solved and the Albanian minority can be integrated by Serbia joining the European Union.

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