22 November 2018 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho Lesego Makgothi

22 November 2018 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho Lesego Makgothi

Thursday, 22 November 2018

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic Talks to Kingdom of Lesotho Minister of Foreign Affairs

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic met today at the National Assembly with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho Lesego Makgothi, in official visit to the Republic of Serbia.

Deputy Speaker Arsic said that the friendship between the two states, dating back to the times of former Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement, was proved by Lesotho’s withdrawal of the recognition of the independence of the Southern Serbian Province of Kosovo-Metohija. He thanked the Minister for his personal involvement in the matter.

The National Assembly Deputy Speaker said that another proof of this friendship is Lesotho’s vote against so-called Republic of Kosovo’s INTERPOL bid and its support of the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue which should result in a compromise solution and peace and stability in Kosovo-Metohija.

We truly appreciate these decisions and understanding for Serbia’s position, said Arsic, adding that he expected the Kingdom of Lesotho to continue with the policy of not endorsing so-called Republic of Kosovo’s attempts to join other international organizations.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho Lesego Makgothi said that it is imperative to abide by international law and international decisions, especially those passed by the United National Security Council, and this decision is fully in line with respecting Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. With it, all the previous statements we made as regards the recognition of Kosovo, said Makgothi, are also withdrawn. The fact that Kosovo failed to join INTERPOL is one more proof that the UN decisions are respected, said he, concluding that is it important to endorse the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

The officials also spoke about advancing overall political dialogue as well as interparliamentary cooperation. They agreed that an exchange of parliamentary delegations would give promote cooperation between the two parliaments and exchange of experiences between their members.

Arsic and Makgothi said that there is room to intensify mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of economy, agriculture, infrastructure and IT.

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