National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details

22 September 2023 Participants of the meeting
Friday, 22 September 2023
Germany Sees and Supports Serbia as Future Full EU Member
The Chairman and members of the Foreign Affairs Committee spoke today, in the National Assembly House, with the German Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Anke Konrad.
Committee Chairman Borko Stefanovic said that Serbia and Germany have an exceptional relationship, primarily viewed through the prism of the high level of German investments in our country. He emphasised that there is room to improve bilateral cooperation, especially in the segment of interparliamentary diplomacy. Stefanovic said that, although Serbia and Germany do not have the same position on the status of Kosovo-Metohija, he believes that they have a common desire to resolve the existing problem in a way that will not cause deeper divisions nor, he stressed, continue the "stuckness" of the Balkans on the European path. Stefanovic praised the Berlin Process initiative which had greatly contributed to raising Serbia’s standards and preparation for future EU membership.
"We need unequivocal messages from Europe about the future entry of the entire region into the European Union and we are encouraged when we hear such messages, it is up to us to do our homework. On the other hand, I think it is clear that, in the shadow of the terrible tragedy in Ukraine, the geopolitical circumstances have changed drastically and this region simply cannot be left out of European integration," Stefanovic stressed. His personal position is that there is no full agreement in the National Assembly on the issue of European integration and he believes that the Government does not even want them, because it will not give up control of the media, corruption or do anything against, he pointed out, the spiral of violence in Serbia. That is why, says Stefanovic, elections are necessary in order to change all that and for Serbia to become a safe place to live and a country in the EU.
The German Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Anke Konrad said that the cooperation between the two countries is at an exceptional level, which, in addition to significant investments, is also reflected in Germany's support for small and medium-sized enterprises and the good governance sector.
"Everything we do together contributes to bringing Serbia closer to the European Union," said Konard. She stressed that Germany wants our country to be a part of the EU as a full member, not as a second-tier member. She pointed out that there has been no change in Serbia's requirements for joining, however the EU itself has developed and there are new regulations.
The Ambassador spoke of the current situation in Kosovo-Metohija, especially the position of the Serbian people in that part of the Serbian territory.
"We see provocations without reason, all of which create new opportunities for incidents. We want to start on the path to normalisation. The Community of Serb Municipalities needs to be set up for the people living in the North of Kosovo, so that they can have a normal life, and we must not forget that members of other nationalities also live there, we want the normalisation of life for everyone," stressed the German Ambassador.
Committee member Nemanja Joksimovic expressed satisfaction that Germany sees Serbia as a future full member of the EU, which, he pointed out, is Serbia's strategic foreign policy priority and added that the National Assembly and the Committee play an important role in this.
Committee member Djordje Miketic believes that a solution to the current issues should be sought in organising a conference of the countries of the Western Balkans with the countries of the Quint and the EU, with the aim of overcoming existing problems, so that our region can become a region of peace and stability and move towards the EU together.
Committee deputy member Ksenija Markovic expressed satisfaction that Germany sees Serbia as a future full member of the EU, pointing out she fully support to the Berlin Process and any and all regional cooperation, not only economic, but the promotion of political alliances and connections as well.
Committee member Zoltan Dani remarked that the EU gives greater political support to Kosovo than to Serbia, emphasising that Resolution 1244 must be respected. "We respect the European Union, but we want the European Union to respect us," he said.
Elvira Kovacs, Chairperson of the European Integration Committee and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said that she agrees the geopolitical situation has opened up opportunities for EU enlargement and that Serbia is very active in all forums, and that she hopes for a quick resolution of the war conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and general stabilisation of the situation.
Committee member Dunja Simonovic also attended the meeting and spoke about current topics.