6 October 2022 The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Borko Stefanovic in meeting with the Polish Ambassador to Serbia Rafal Perl

6 October 2022 The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Borko Stefanovic in meeting with the Polish Ambassador to Serbia Rafal Perl

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Borko Stefanovic Meets with Polish Ambassador to Serbia

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Borko Stefanovic met today at the National Assembly House with the Polish Ambassador to Serbia Rafal Perl to discuss the current issues in Europe, the Western Balkans, Belgrаde-Pristina talks and Serbia’s European integration process.

Borko Stefanovic said that the European Union is Serbia's most important economic partner and investor, adding that it is important in terms of common values, such as equality and social justice. "The European Union without Serbia and the other Balkan countries is not complete or stable," Stefanovic said. The Committee Chairman thanked Poland for its open support, stressing that EU membership is the country’s foreign policy priority. In this sense, it is important that Serbia, as an EU candidate country, aligns its foreign policy with that of the EU, said Stefanovic, adding that as the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee he would raise the issue with the Committee, as well as at a National Assembly session.

Ambassador Rafal Perl expressed his satisfaction with the organised visit, highlighting the importance of the existence of political pluralism in the current National Assembly legislature. He added that Poland would continue to support Serbia's European integration.

The officials agreed about the importance of the Open Balkans initiative, which, they said, contributes to economic development, tourism and the exchange of goods between the countries of the Western Balkans, and is also important for the European integration of the countries of this region.

Chairman Stefanovic informed the guest about the situation faced by the Serbian people in Kosovo-Metohija, adding that it is important to resolve all open issues through dialogue, without recognising the independence of the so-called state of Kosovo.

There was also talk about the possibility of improving parliamentary cooperation through an exchange of visits of members of the two parliaments’ foreign affairs committees and parliamentary friendship groups.

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