Monday, 18 February 2008

First Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2008

At the request of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Dr Oliver Dulic, convened the First Extraordinary Sitting of the Serbian National Assembly in 2008, for 18 February, starting at 8 p.

At the request of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Dr Oliver Dulic, convened the First Extraordinary Sitting of the Serbian National Assembly in 2008, for 18 February, starting at 8 p.m.

The agenda of the sitting contained the Proposal of the Decision of the National Assembly of the Republic on the Confirmation of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on the annulment of the illegitimate acts of the provisional institutions of self-government in Kosovo and Metohia on their declaration of unilateral independence. The National Assembly conducted a unified discussion on the Proposal of the Decision.

Addressing the members of parliament, the Head of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Dr Vojislav Kostunica, pointed out that on 17 February 2008, a false state of Kosovo was illegitimately declared on the territory of the sovereign state of Serbia, adding that today begins a long battle to fully recover the whole of the Province into Serbian constitutional legal order. That is a goal that Serbia will achieve, the Prime Minister stated.

Vojislav Kostunica stated that this illegitimate act directly endangers the sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as constitutional order of Serbia, breaching the UN Charter, UNSC Resolution 1244, Helsinki Final Act and all the norms of International law on which the world order resides.

The Head of Government reminded all present that, by its decision on 14 February, the Government of the Republic of Serbia annulled in advance all illegitimate acts of the provisional institutions declaring them null and void, meaning that they have no legal consequences in Serbia. The Government also declared null and void all decisions made by the European Union to send a mission to Kosovo and Metohia, because they endanger Serbia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and constitutional order. Thus, they too have no legal effect and produce no obligations by Serbia to the EU, or anyone who would conduct them, the Prime Minister stressed.

According to him, the creation of the false state on Serbian soil was only possible under USA and NATO patronage and thanks to the unprincipled politics of EU’s leading countries. In compliance with the Constitution and all parliamentary resolutions the Serbian Government conducts a unified state policy in the preservation of Kosovo and Metohia as an inseparable part of Serbian territory, Kostunica said concluding that, despite the fact that power will breach law and justice, Serbia will never recognise the false state of Kosovo on its territory.

Deputy Groups’ Presidents spoke in the second part of the sitting: Tomislav Nikolic of the Serbian Radical Party Deputy Group, Ivica Dacic of the Socialist Party of Serbia Deputy Group, Cedomir Jovanovic of the Liberal-Democratic Party Deputy Group, Nenad Canak of the Vojvodina Deputies’ Group, Nada Kolundzija of the Democratic Party Deputy Group and Suzana Grubjesic of the G 17 Plus Deputy Group.

Following their address, the Speaker of the National Assembly or the Republic of Serbia, Dr Oliver Dulic, set the Voting Day for 18 February, starting at 9,40 p.m.

On the Voting Day the National Assembly unanimously, with 225 votes in favour, adopted the Proposal of the Decision on the Confirmation of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on the annulment of the illegitimate acts of the provisional institutions of self-government in Kosovo and Metohia on their declaration of unilateral independence.

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