4 March 2020 The members of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region meet with the delegation of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska

4 March 2020 The members of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region meet with the delegation of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Diaspora and Serbs in the Region Committee Members Meet with Republic of Srpska Parliamentary Delegation

The members of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region met today at the National Assembly with the delegation of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, headed by Committee Chairman Igor Crnadak, in official visit to Serbia.

The Chairman of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region Miodrag Linta said that interparliamentary cooperation is an important part of regional stability, opining that the exchange of experiences and views on all issues importance for the Serb people in the region is a practice worth continuing. He said that, among other things, the Committee is in charge of maintaining the ties between the Serbs in the region and protecting their rights, preserving the ethnicity and cultural identity of the Serb people and the creation of conditions for the return of Serbian refugees to their pervious homes and protection of their rights.

“The Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region is striving to, with its actions and within its purview, contribute to a more efficient resolution of our people’s problems in the region, where I would especially like to stress the importance of the culture of memory. We try to encourage the relevant authorities to pay more attention to this very important national issue”, said Linta.

According to him, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has taken a huge stride in terms of assisting the Serb people in the region, reminding the attending that 63 municipalities in the Republic of Srpska received some sort of aid from Serbia. Linta also spoke about the recent session of the two parliaments’ Cooperation Commission, stressing that it is vital to strengthen and expand said cooperation and organize joint activities.

“The question of the status and prospects of Serbs in the region is gaining importance and it is our task to focus on a policy of strengthening cultural and spiritual unity of the Serb people in the region”, said Linta.

The Chairman of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska Igor Crnadak said that the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska are at a very high level, adding that the organization of the session of the two parliaments’ Cooperation Commission was a huge step forward in the advancement of relations.

“Serbia’s support is very important for the Republic of Srpska and its efforts to preserve what was promised by the Dayton Accords and we are very grateful”, said Crnadak.

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region Mirjana Dragas and Committee members Aleksandar Markovic, Aleksandar Cotric and Blaza Knezevic. The MPs made some suggestion about possible forms of cooperation, stressing that international meetings and exchange of information, finding methods and means to achieve common goals and making international friends are especially important for the Serb people.

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