3 June 2015 Participants of the 13th meeting of the National Assembly Economic Caucus

3 June 2015 Participants of the 13th meeting of the National Assembly Economic Caucus

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

13th Meeting of National Assembly Economic Caucus

At the 13th meeting, held on 3 June, the Economic Caucus discussed the topic of voucherisation of education, presented by the members of the Libertarian Club (LIBEK) Milos Nikolic and Mihailo Gajic.

Speaking of the problems of elementary education in Serbia such as demographic shifts, high cost, poor results and inadequate parental involvement, the members of LIBEK drew attention to the prognosis that the number of children will drop drastically in the next two decades, by about 40%. The existing educational infrastructure is irrational considering that it does not correspond to the population spread and the ever deteriorating situation, opined the members of LIBEK.

They presented the results of the comparative analysis of education achievements in SEE which put Serbian schoolchildren about a year or more behind the children from Slovenia and Croatia and according to which 35.7% of students are functionally illiterate.

In view of these facts, LIBEK suggests the introduction of education vouchers which would mean giving vouchers of a certain value to families to pay for education in private or public institutions. The objective is to set up a competition, which would decrease costs and boost results.

LIBEK suggests setting up universal voucher coverage for children, funded by the Ministry of Finance, which would in turn lead to considerable savings and ultimately create a better and more efficient education system.

The participants of the meeting concluded that the education system in Serbia needs radical change in order to improve its quality and agreed to discuss the introduction of education vouchers with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the members of the Committee on Education, Science, Technological Development and the Information Society.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce, NALED and IRI.

The Head of the Economic Caucus, Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic presided over the meeting.

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