National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / National Assembly / Composition / Parliamentary Friendship Groups / 3 August 2020 legislature
3 August 2020 legislature
Parliamentary friendship groups are Assembly bodies that can be established in the National Assembly for the purpose of voluntary improvement of relations and cooperation of out country with other countries. When a parliamentary friendship group is established, mutually expressed interest in cooperation between Parliaments represents the staring point.
Parliamentary friendship group - Guinea-Bissau
MP's full name | Political Party at whose proposal the MP was elected | Hometown | Age |
BAKAREC NEBOJSA | SNS | Belgrade, Stari grad | 1963. |
BAROS NENAD | SNS | Vrsac | 1986. |
BIRMANCEVIC Dr BOBAN | SNS | Sabac | 1969. |
BOGATINOVIC ZARKO | SNS | Leskovac | 1964. |
BULATOVIC SLAVISA | SNS | Vranje, Vranjska Banja | 1975. |
DABIC DjORDjE | SNS | Cajetina, Zlatibor | 1991. |
DRECUN МА MILOVAN | SNS | Belgrade, Novi Beograd | 1957. |
FILIPOVIC SRBISLAV | SNS | Belgrade | 1984. |
JUGOVIC MILAN (Head) | SNS | Loznica, Klupci | 1985. |
KAPELAN RAJKO | SNS | Zrenjanin, Klek | 1992. |
LINTA MIODRAG | - | Belgrade, Novi Beograd | 1969. |
MARIC LjUBOMIR | SNS | Kosovska Mitrovica | 1977. |
MIRKOVIC ALEKSANDAR | SNS | Belgrade, Vozdovac | 1988. |
MITROVIC NENAD А. | SNS | Bujanovac, Krsevica | 1973. |
NIKOLIC SLADjANA | SNS | Babusnica | 1964. |
OBRADOVIC MILICA | SNS | Raca, Vucic | 1990. |
PALALIC JOVAN | SNP | Belgrade, Vozdovac | 1971. |
PILIPOVIC TAMARA | SNS | Backa Palanka | 1990. |
STOSIC DEJAN | SNS | Smederevo | 1970. |
TERZIC MILOS | SNS | Grocka, Lestane | 1988. |
TODOROVIC DJORDJE | SNS | Belgrade | 1991. |
VUJICIC MA DANIJELA | SNS | Kosovska Mitrovica | 1978. |
9.00 - sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)