National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / National Assembly / Composition / Parliamentary Friendship Groups / 11 June 2008 legislature
11 June 2008 legislature
Poslaničke grupe prijateljstva su skupštinska tela koja se mogu obrazovati u Narodnoj skupštini za unapređenje odnosa i saradnje naše države sa drugim državama na principu dobrovoljnosti. Prilikom osnivanja poslaničke grupe prijateljstva, polazi se od uzajamno izraženih interesa za ostvarivanje i razvoj saradnje između parlamenata.
Prijavu za članstvo u poslaničkoj grupi prijateljstva, narodni poslanik podnosi predsedniku Narodne skupštine. Odbor za inostrane poslove donosi odluku o formiranju i određuje predsednika i članove poslaničkih grupa prijateljstava, daje saglasnost na odluku o razmeni poseta sa poslaničkim grupama prijateljstva predstavničkih tela drugih država i vodi evidenciju članstva u poslaničkim grupama prijateljstva.
Latest activities
- A delegation of the German Bundestag’s Parliamentary Friendship Group with Southeast Europe headed by Peter Weiss, visited Serbia on 3 and 4 November 2011.
- A delegation of the Committee on European Affairs of the Provincial Assembly of Bavaria, headed by Prof. Ursula Männle visited Serbia on 30 May and 1 June 2011 and met with the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Germany, at the National Assembly.
- A delegation of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies’ Committee for Romanian Communities Living Abroad met with the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Romania and the Committee on Relations with Serbs Living Outside Serbia, at the National Assembly, on 14 April 2011.
- MP Natasa Vuckovic, as member of a state delegation headed by the President of the Republic of Serbia, and as Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with France, visited Paris from 6 to 8 April 2011.
- A delegation of the Montenegrin Parliamentary Friendship Group with Serbia headed by Rifat Rastoder, Montenegrin Deputy Parliament Speaker and PFG Head, visited the National Assembly on 17 and 18 March 2011.
Parliamentary friendship group - United States of America
MP's full name | Political Party at whose proposal the MP was elected | Hometown | Age |
ANDRIC IVAN | LDP | Belgrade | 1974. |
BAJATOVIC Dr DUSAN | SPS | Novi Sad | 1967. |
BANOVIC DONKA | DSS | Dimitrovgrad | 1963. |
CANAK NENAD | LSV | Novi Sad | 1959. |
COMIC GORDANA | DS | Novi Sad | 1958. |
ČOJČIĆ SAVA | G17 | Pecinci | 1968. |
DJUKIC DEJANOVIC Prof. Dr SLAVICA | SPS | Kragujevac | 1951. |
GRUBJESIC SUZANA | G17 | Belgrade | 1963. |
HALIMI RIZA | PZDD | Presevo | 1947. |
JERKOV Dr ALEKSANDRA | LSV | Novi Sad | 1982. |
JOVISIC JADRANKA | DS | Novi Sad | 1986. |
JUGOVIC ALEKSANDAR | SPO | Cacak | 1975. |
KOLUNDZIJA NADA | DS | Belgrade | 1952. |
KONSTANTINOVIC NENAD | DS | Belgrade | 1973. |
LAUSEVIC MAJA | DS | Novi Sad | 1975. |
MARINKOVIC MIROSLAV | DS | Svilajnac | 1961. |
MARJANOVIC VESNA | DS | Belgrade | 1969. |
MILICEVIC DJORDJE | SPS | Valjevo | 1978. |
MILISAVLJEVIC SMILJANA | DS | Srbovac, Zvecan | 1978. |
MILOSEVIC Dr KOSTA | DS | Cacak | 1948. |
MILOVANOVIC RADOSLAV | DS | Kucevo | 1961. |
OSTOJIC ZORAN | LDP | Belgrade | 1956. |
PURIC MIHAILO | DS | Banja Koviljaca | 1963. |
RANDJELOVIC MILjAN | G17 | Knjazevac | 1981. |
RATKOVIC VLATKO | DS | Ruma | 1965. |
SAMOFALOV KONSTANTIN | DS | Belgrade | 1982. |
SENIC VLAJKO (Head) | G17 | Belgrade | 1973. |
SERIFOV EDIP | DS | Belgrade | 1977. |
STEFANOVIC GORAN | DS | Vranje | 1972. |
VIDENOVIC MAJA | DS | Belgrade | 1979. |
VLAHOVIC ALEKSANDAR | DS | Sopot | 1963. |
VUCKOVIC MILAN | DS | Kragujevac | 1979. |
9.00 - sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)