National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / National Assembly / Working Bodies / Committee Sittings outside of the National Assembly Seat / Details of the Committee sitting
Committee Sittings outside of the National Assembly Seat
Monday, 20 September 2010
Twenty-Sixth Sitting of the Gender Equality Committee
On 20 September, the Gender Equality Committee held a sitting in Zitiste in the form of a roundtable. The topic was the position of women in rural areas.

On 20 September, the Gender Equality Committee held a sitting in Zitiste in the form of a roundtable. The topic was the position of women in rural areas.
At the beginning of the proceedings, the Chairperson, Dr Gordana Paunovic-Milosavljevic, briefed the participants on the Gender Equality Committee’s competence and work, emphasising that its most important task is to consider bills, other regulations and general documents from the aspect of improving gender equality. She highlighted the adoption of the Gender Equality Law late last year, a task in which the Committee members were particularly involved. In order to strengthen its monitoring role, the Committee holds sittings in local communities from time to time, so as to gain insight into the work of gender equality offices and their problems, said the Committee Chairperson.
Talking about the position of women in the Mid-Banat administrative district, its Prefect Tanja Dulovic pointed out that women in rural areas are in a particularly difficult position. In most cases they neither have property, nor are they employed which is the main cause of their bad position. More than 90% women who work only in rural households and whose work is “invisible” lack proper health care. In addition, the number of women entrepreneurs is also decreasing.
Marija Isakov, President of the Zitiste Gender Equality Commission, stressed that the
Committee member Jelena Travar-Miljevic presented the CEDAW Convention and talked about local mechanisms and the position of women in rural areas.
The roundtable mostly focused on how to improve the economic position of women in rural areas and ensure them equal opportunities in the spheres of labour and employment.
Initiatives for the amendments of certain laws were launched which should contribute to improve the economic position of women in rural areas. Deputies Miletic Mihajlovic, Elvira Kovacs, Zlata Djeric, Branka Ljiljak and Dusanka Plecevic took part in the proceedings, as did the representatives of
Following the discussion the Committee ruled to propose conclusions which it would vote on in the next sitting.
Zitiste: Photo gallery
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