Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Speaker Responds to Dveri Civic Group

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, acting President of the Republic of Serbia, responded to the letter received from the Dveri Civic Group. The response states:

“Regarding your letter of 15 May 2012, sent to me as acting President of the Republic of Serbia, I would like to inform you:

As acting President of the Republic of Serbia I have no authority to create any independent commissions to investigate electoral irregularities and have the authorities listed in your letter, nor are there any legal grounds for it.

The existing bodies in charge of organising, carrying out and controlling the electoral process are already “autonomous and independent in their work and operate on the basis of laws and regulations made on the basis of the Law” (Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the Law on the Election of Members of Parliament).

On the other hand, the bodies and protection of voting rights are established in Article 7 of the Law on the Election of Members of Parliament and other laws, so there are sufficient institutional mechanisms for the protection of voting rights established by the legal system of the Republic of Serbia, rendering it needless to create other ad hoc bodies contrary to the law. At the same time, the participants in the electoral race themselves have various efficient legal control mechanisms over the way the elections are carried out as stipulated by the Law on the Election of Members of Parliament. Therefore there are neither legal grounds nor objective need to create such bodies.

As regards your estimate that there is “dissatisfaction among the citizens of Serbia caused by serious suspicions of election fraud by the current regime in the elections on St. George’s Day”, I must inform you that all the observers of said elections – national and international observers, non-governmental organisations, independent institutions which control the election process – declared that the elections have been carried out in an entirely legal manner, and that the election results have been ascertained accurately and correctly and fully comply with the electoral will of the citizens you claim are so dissatisfied. It is unfounded to attribute to the citizens of the Republic of Serbia the dissatisfaction present – for no reason – in just some of the participants of the electoral race, nor can anyone trying to destabilize the state and tear down its hard won positions in international relations for their own partial interests hide behind the citizens.

Finally, I will refrain from commenting on your claims that the Socialist Party of Serbia, which I am a member of, has “on several occasions been the participant and organizer of electoral frauds at the end of the previous century”, because you did not address me as a member of said party but as acting President of the Republic of Serbia", said Speaker Slavica Djukic Dejanovic in her response.

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