Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Speaker Dulic Signs Protocol on Cooperation Between National Assembly and Faculty of Political Sciences

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Dr Oliver Dulic and the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Milan Podunavac signed today at the National Assembly House the Protocol on cooperation of the two institutions in the area of student education.

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Dr Oliver Dulic and the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Milan Podunavac signed today at the National Assembly House the Protocol on cooperation of the two institutions in the area of student education.

After the signing, Speaker Dulic said that this document will define future cooperation of the parliament and the faculty so that students of political sciences can gain new knowledge and help establish a stable democracy in Serbia more expediently. He expressed his belief that many students attending the signing of the Protocol will themselves one day be members of parliament and in this role help remedy all the failings society encounters.

The Dean of FPS, Milan Podunavac expressed his pleasure and gratefulness for the opportunity for the students of his faculty to spend time in the parliament like in a “big classroom” and be allowed to attend the work of Assembly committees and deputy clubs. He deemed that students are the best social capital of every country and that investing into their education is extremely useful for the development of Serbia both as a country and as a political community.

In their talk with Dulic the students expressed interest in the manner of improving the work of the parliament, liberalisation of the visa regime, signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the possibility of opening the National Assembly House up for tourist visits.

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