28 January 2022 The participants of the meeting

28 January 2022 The participants of the meeting

Friday, 28 January 2022

Second Phase of Inter-Party Dialogue with National Assembly on Eve of Coming Local, Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Completed

Co-facilitators of the inter-party dialogue process, MEPs Vladimir Bilcik and Tanja Fajon, former MEPs Knut Fleckenstein and Eduard Kukan and National Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic commented on the work done so far and the prospects for future cooperation.

The Inter-Party Dialogue process launched in 2019 provided an efficient platform for an exchange and building consensus among the different political forces on issues crucial to the future of Serbia's democracy. Sixteen concrete measures were agreed in the course of the process, in line with international recommendations, to improve election conditions and the media space. It is regrettable that not all participants of the dialogue felt they were in a position, for different reasons, to subscribe to these measures.

"It is crucial for all the measures to be fully implemented. Any unnecessary delay in implementation endangers the effectiveness of the agreed measures ahead of the upcoming elections," stressed the European Parliament co-facilitators in the dialogue. "The fact that the non-parliamentary opposition remains critical about implementation of the measures is a matter of concern.”

"Concluding this round of the inter-party dialogue, we also want to stress the constructive, open and to-the-point exchanges we had with all interlocutors and the positive attitude towards dialogue and consensus-building. However, further reform is needed to consolidate Serbia's parliamentary democracy and we stand ready to support these efforts following the elections," said the European Parliament co-facilitators of the inter-party dialogue.

"The inter-party dialogue was an important experience. It has demonstrated that we are able to work across party lines to achieve progress in the overall interest of Serbia's democracy. This has also been a very positive example of cooperation between Serbia's National Assembly and the European Parliament, which bodes well for the future. The Serbian National Assembly will continue to make all efforts to adopt the necessary legal changes for the implementation of the measures jointly agreed in the inter-party dialogue," said Ivica Dacic, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

The co-facilitators of the inter-party dialogue agreed that the good cooperation and dialogue facilitation should continue following the elections with the aim to strengthen parliamentary democracy and improve political culture. They also look forward to the international observation mission that will closely look at the conduct and outcome of the upcoming elections, which is also a priority mission for the European Parliament.

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thursday, 19 september
  • 12.00 - sitting of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 13.00 - the Deputy Chairman of the European Integration Committee meets with a member of Bundestag (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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