20 November 2023 The National Assembly Speaker in meeting with the group of Arab ambassadors

20 November 2023 The National Assembly Speaker in meeting with the group of Arab ambassadors

Monday, 20 November 2023

National Assembly Speaker Meets with Group of Arab Ambassadors

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Dr Vladimir Orlic, met today with a group of ambassadors of 13 Arab countries.

On behalf of the group, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco Mohammed Amine Belhaj, Ambassador of the State of Palestine Mohamed Al Namoura and Ambassador of the Republic of Egypt Bassel Salah Mustafa Ahmed informed the National Assembly Speaker in detail about the current situation in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They informed him about a large number of victims, injured and missing, as well as those forced to leave their homes. They emphasised that it is vital to prevent further humanitarian disaster, destruction and new civilian victims.

Dr Orlic said that the Republic of Serbia always advocates for peace and the solutions based on it, as well as for consistent compliance with public international law norms and valid United Nations resolutions. In that sense, he underlined that the Republic of Serbia demands clear respect for universal principles, without exception. "We want peace for others as much as we want it for our country and our people," Speaker Orlic concluded.

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