28 October 2011 National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic meets with Turkish Grand National Assembly Speaker Cemil Çiçek

28 October 2011 National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic meets with Turkish Grand National Assembly Speaker Cemil Çiçek

Friday, 28 October 2011

National Assembly Speaker Meets Turkish Parliament Speaker

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic, talked to the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Cemil Çiçek.

In a very cordial atmosphere the officials acknowledged the high degree of political cooperation between Serbia and Turkey and successful development of economic cooperation, adding that there was still room for further improvement of parliamentary cooperation. The Turkish Parliament Speaker stressed that Turkey considered Serbia the central and most important country in the Balkan region and wished to develop full cooperation with it in all fields. He stated that economic cooperation was very good adding that Turkey wished to invest into Serbia as it would be in their mutual interest.

Cemil Çiçek underlined that, as the Grand National Assembly Speaker, he would do all in its power to further improve parliamentary cooperation both on the level of committees and friendship groups. He invited the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia to visit Turkey, which Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic was pleased to accept and reciprocate by inviting Cemil Çiçek to pay an official visit to Serbia considering that the Turkish Parliament Speaker’s current visit was unofficial.

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