Saturday, 8 October 2011

National Assembly Hosts Chalk Drawing from Imagination

Today, the National Assembly was the host and patron of the "Chalk Drawing from Imagination” event, held as part of Children’s Week.

In its tenth jubilee year the event gathered children from Belgrade, Kosovo-Metohija and other parts of Serbia, as well as guests from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. The children demonstrated their joy and immense talent by dancing, poetry, recitation and singing.

The participants were addressed by MP Vuk Dincic saying that today they have reminded him how lovely it is to be a child and that adults should keep the child within alive for their own good.

In this jubilee year the organisers presented all the National Assembly Speakers, as patrons, with plaques. The award ceremony was attended by Prof. Dr Zoran Sami and Prof. Dr Dragoljub Micunovic who addressed the assembly on the behalf of the awarded National Assembly Speakers noting that this was the best day at the National Assembly House and that the children’s talent and energy gives one faith in the future.

In the course of the event the children had the opportunity to write a message to the MPs about what they could do to ensure better life and children’s rights, and then proceeded to illustrate their messages.

Children’s Week takes place from 3 to 9 October, in the organisation of the "Children of Palilula”, and this year it is dedicated to special needs children.

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