12 November 2011 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Dr Vladimir Orlic

12 November 2011 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Dr Vladimir Orlic

Friday, 12 November 2021

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Dr Vladimir Orlic at China Forum on International Legal Cooperation

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Dr Vladimir Orlic took part in the China Forum on International Legal Cooperation (online) with the theme “Innovation and Improvement of International Trade and Investment Rules for the Belt and Road Initiative”.

Deputy Speaker Orlic greeted Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Chen, saying he appreciated the efforts of the Chinese partners who organised the forum.

“The traditional relations of the steel friendship between the Republic of Serbia and the People’s Republic of China at all levels are based on respect for international law and the territorial integrity of sovereign countries and within the framework of the comprehensive strategic partnership,” said Orlic.

He stated that the Republic of Serbia supports the Belt and Road Initiative, adding that the mechanism of cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries, which has become an integral part of the Belt and Road Initiative, is an important forum in which Serbia actively participates.

The fact that speaks in favour of it is that the President of Serbia Mr Aleksandar Vucic participated in the 9th China-CEEC summit in 2021 and that previously 2019 he had participated in the 2nd Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation. Moreover, Serbia and China signed the bilateral cooperation plan within the initiative in 2019, said Orlic.

In his speech, Dr Vladimir Orlic stressed that the National Assembly pays great attention to further development of exceptional relations between the two peoples and the two countries, as evidenced by the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China and the Protocol establishing the Joint Commission for Cooperation.

Speaking of the legal framework regarding the Belt and Road Initiative, Dr Vladimir Orlic said that the most important thing is to try even harder to harmonise the rules so as to facilitate the future signing of different types of agreements which often include several countries. He added that Serbia recognises the efforts invested by the International Belt and Road Academy by proposing “Bluebook of Alternative Dispute Resolution” which points to the benefits of mediation and emphasises cultural differences between the parties to the dispute.

Orlic said he is of the opinion that the Belt and Road Initiative is an important strategy for creating sustainable development. “Connectivity, openness, innovation, sustainable development, security of energy and food supply, more balanced regional development and increased efficiency are important goals of the Initiative”, he pointed out adding that in order for them to be realised it is necessary for us to work jointly towards the alignment of our legal systems that will facilitate mutual trade, investments and cooperation.

“The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will be a reliable partner for further improvement of domestic legislation, as well as for the ratification of international bilateral and multilateral agreements, in the spirit of our steel friendship which we are proud of and which represents an important element of our state policy as set and personally led by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic”, concluded National Assembly Deputy Speaker Dr Vladimir Orlic.

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