Monday, 19 February 2018

MP Dragomir Karic at Expo-Russia Serbia 2018

Dragomir Karic, member of the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy and the Economic Caucus, will be taking part in the 5th international industrial exhibition “Expo-Russia Serbia 2018” and 5th business forum in Belgrade, 14-16 March 2018.

The exhibition will be attended by big, medium-sized and small business companies and will also include presentations from the Republic of Tatarstan, Pskov, Kaliningrad and Rostov regions, as well as Serbian and other SEE companies.

The international exhibition will cover a number of topical roundtables on the prospects of Serbia-Russia cooperation in the field of innovation, energy, science and technology, medical research, better usage of touristic potentials and overall development of trade and economic relations between the two countries.

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