Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality Committee Chairman Congratulates Start of Ramadan

The Chairman of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality Meho Omerovic:

“I would like to congratulate the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan to all Muslim believers. The beginning of the fast is the right time to turn over a new leaf in our lives, in how we treat our family, neighbours and ourselves. This is the opportunity for the church dignitaries to put aside their divisions and personal intolerances and see the interest of the believers and the Islamic community.

The month of Ramadan is not just a time of fasting but also a time to refrain from harsh words and insults, time to show tolerance, understanding and respect to others and those different from us.

To all entering the time of fasting I wish good health, happiness and well-being to celebrate with their closest family, relatives and neighbours.”

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