2 March 2023 The Head of the PFG with Georgia meets with a Georgian parliamentary delegation

2 March 2023 The Head of the PFG with Georgia meets with a Georgian parliamentary delegation

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Head of PFG with Georgia Meets with Georgian Delegation

The Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Georgia Dubravka Filipovski met today at the National Assembly House with a Georgian parliamentary delegation comprising Beka Odisharia, Chairman of the Diaspora and Caucasus Issues Committee, Nodar Turdzeladze, Deputy Chairman of the Diaspora and Caucasus Issues Committee, Gela Samkharuali, Deputy Chairman of the Agrarian Issues Committee and Ilia Koberidze, Georgian Charge d'Affaires in the Republic of Serbia.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ms. Filipovski welcomed the Georgian parliamentary delegation, making sure to point out that the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Georgia has 14 members.

Saying that the relations between the two countries are good and traditionally friendly, she opined that there is ample potential to improve cooperation in the economic sense.

Ms. Filipovski stressed that it is necessary to work on strengthening economic cooperation and increasing trade, expressing hope that a direct flight would be established in the near future between Belgrade and Tbilisi, to encourage tourist exchange.

Recalling the Georgian Parliament Speaker’s official visit to Belgrade in 2019, Dubravka Filipovski reminded the guests of the Partnership Agreement between the two countries was signed on the occasion.

The Head of the PFG with Georgia went on to speak of the problems faced by the Serbian people in Kosovo-Metohija, stressing that Serbia will never recognize the independence of the so-called state of Kosovo.

She thanked Georgia for respecting Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, pointing out that the two countries share common values and on principle advocate respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of internationally recognized countries.

The members of the Georgian delegation informed Filipovski about Georgia's European integration prospects, saying that the Georgian leadership is working on the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission (EC) given to it to facilitate its obtaining the status of candidate for membership in the European Union. In that regard, they were interested in our European integration experiences, bearing in mind that Serbia had received candidate status in 2012. They said that our knowledge and recommendations are very valuable to them, opining that an exchange of visits of parliamentarians can greatly contribute to Georgia’s European integration.

The Georgian parliamentarians said that the two countries have a lot of similarities which is a healthy foundation for developing friendship. The good relations between the two countries are also evidenced in the mutual visits of high-ranking officials.

At the end of the meeting, the officials expressed the hope that Serbia would soon open an embassy in Georgia and that Georgia would open an embassy in Serbia. They also emphasised that there is room to improve cooperation across the board, adding that mutual visits at the level of working bodies, foreign affairs committees and members of parliamentary friendship groups would contribute to the strengthening of cooperation.

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wednesday, 18 september
  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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