9 March 2023 The European Integration Committee Chairperson takes part in a GIZ online meeting

9 March 2023 The European Integration Committee Chairperson takes part in a GIZ online meeting

Thursday, 9 March 2023

European Integration Committee Chairperson Takes Part in GIZ Online Meeting

Within the Parliamentary Network of the GIZ Regional Project promoting European integration, European Integration Committee Chairperson Elvira Kovacs attended an online meeting with the GIZ expert evaluation mission, which is preparing a new three-year phase of the project, to be started in September 2023.

The evaluation mission aims to facilitate learning from the experience of the ongoing project in the Western Balkans, focusing on what has worked and what would change in terms of cooperation with project partners. The meeting aimed to analyse existing needs on how the new phase of the project could provide further support to partner institutions in the EU accession process and what could be the content, formats of support and cooperation of the future project.

One of the most important topics of the project in the new phase concerns promotion of gender equality and inclusion of marginalised groups into the broader framework of the EU accession process.

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