Monday, 20 January 2025

Culture and Information Committee - Statement

Today, in accordance with the Law on Electronic Media, the seven groups of authorised proposers met in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, to determine the final proposals of two candidates each for members of the new Council of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM).

At the first meeting, held by representatives of the Ombudsman, Commissioner for Protection of Equality and the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, as the first group of authorised proposers, the following two candidates were agreed upon: Sasa Mirkovic and Stevica Smederevac.

At the second meeting, held by representatives of churches and religious communities, the following two candidates were agreed upon: Sanja Andjelkovic and Mevljud Dudic.

At the third meeting, held by representatives of the electronic media publishers' association, the following two candidates were agreed upon: Tanja Vojvodic-Mitrovic and Jovana Vitez.

At the fourth meeting, held by representatives of the journalists' associations, the following two candidates were determined by vote: Dejan Vuk Stankovic and Petar Kocic.

At the fifth meeting, held by representatives of accredited universities, the following two candidates were determined by vote: Milorad Vukasinovic and Zoran Jevtovic.

At the sixth meeting, held by representatives of the associations of film, stage and drama artists and the association of Composers, the following two candidates were agreed upon: Zeljko Hubac and Leontina Pat.

At the seventh meeting, held by representatives of associations concerned with child protection, the following two candidates were determined by vote: Dusan Aleksic and Aleksandra Krstic.

It was previously known that associations whose field of activity is freedom of expression proposed two candidates, Dubravka Valic Nedeljkovic and Rodoljub Sabic, while the national councils of national minorities nominated Istvan Bodzoni and Muhedin Fijuljanin.

With the conclusion of today's meetings, the nomination phase for new members of the REM Council has been completed, after which the Culture and Information Committee, in accordance with its legal obligation, published the final proposal of all 18 candidates for the REM Council on the National Assembly's website.

A public interview with the candidates for members of the REM Council is planned to be held on Thursday, 23 January 2025, in the form of a public hearing to which, in order to achieve full transparency of the election process, representatives of all the organisations that participated in nominating candidates for members, will be invited.

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