Thursday, 17 December 2015

80th Sitting of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending

At the sitting held on 17 December, the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending discussed and unanimously accepted the proposal to include the Proposal of the Decision on the Termination of Office of the President of the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, into the agenda for the Ninth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2015, by urgent procedure, pursuant to Article 168, paragraph 3 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure.

The Committee also decided to propose that the National Assembly include the Proposal of the Decision on the Election of President and two members of the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, into the agenda for the Ninth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2015, by urgent procedure, pursuant to Article 168, paragraph 3 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure.

The Committee then went on to decide to propose to the National Assembly candidate Hana Hukic for President of the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, and Branimir Blagojevic and Jasmina Milenkovic for members.

The Committee members also granted consent to Milos Jovic, employee of the Public Procurement Office, who had submitted a request for prior written consent to perform additional paid activity.

The sitting was attended by Committee members MA Dejan Radenkovic, Zoran Bojanic, Suzana Sarac, Ivan Jovanovic, Momo Colakovic, Vojislav Vujic, Zoltan Pek, Radmilo Kostic, Milos Tosanic and Goran Kovacevic.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Veroljub Arsic.

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friday, 14 february
  • 11.00 - sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

  • 12.00 - press conference of the MP Igor Braunovic (National Assembly House 13, Nikola Pasic Square, Central Hall)

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