Wednesday, 8 December 2021

47th Sitting of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues

At the sitting held on 8 December 2021, the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues reviewed the notification of the reason for the termination of the term of office of MP Milutin Mrkonjic, of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Parliamentary Group.

The Committee members ascertained that the situation falls under Article 88, paragraph 1, item 8, of the Law on the Election of MPs, which lists death as a reason for the termination of the term of office of an MP before the expiration of the term they were elected for, and therefore proposed that the National Assembly note the termination of the term of office of MP Milutin Mrkonjic, elected from the IVICA DACIC – “Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), United Serbia (JS) – Dragan Markovic Palma” Electoral List.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Dr Aleksandar Martinovic, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Dr Darko Laketic, Zeljko Tomic, Luka Kebara, Dr Nina Pavicevic, Branimir Spasic, Miroslav Kondic, Dr Dragana Barisic, Dijana Radovic, Violeta Ocokoljic, Branimir Jovanovic, Sandra Bozic and Ivana Nikolic.

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