Saturday, 26 December 2015

44th Sitting of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee

At the sitting held on 26 December 2015, the members of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee discussed the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Agricultural Land, in detail.

The sitting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection: acting assistant minister Mladen Mladenovic, State Secretary Zarko Radosevic, acting director of the Directorate for Agricultural Land Dragana Godjevac and associates, Provincial Secretary for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Branislav Bogaroski, Prime Minister’s advisor for agriculture Dragan Glamocic and representatives of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Deputy Director Vladan Joksimovic and Jovan Nicic.

Having discussed the 99 amendments to the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Agricultural Land submitted by the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the MPs, the Committee decided to accept 14. The Committee members also submitted an amendment of their own to Article 12 of the Bill.

The Committee then proceeded to adopt two conclusions.

The sitting was attended by Committee members and deputy members Djordje Stojsic, Milan Kovacevic, Miodrag Nikolic, Arpad Fremond, Zarko Bogatinovic, Velimir Stanojevic, Zoran Antic, Milija Miletic, Veroljub Matic, Marjana Maras, Sabina Dazdarevic and Vladan Milosevic.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Marijan Risticevic.

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