National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details
Monday, 16 October 2023
14th Sitting of the Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government
At the sitting held on 16 October 2023, the members of the Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government considered a number of bills and other act proposals.
By majority vote, the Committee included into the agenda the proposal to organise a public hearing with the topic “Amendments to anti-corruption laws and strategic documents in light of existing practice and international standards”, submitted by MPs Miodrag Gavrilovic, Danijela Nestorovic, Vladimir Gajic, Jelena Milosevic and Prof. Dr Jelena Jerinic.
By majority vote, the Committee members also accepted the proposal of Committee Chairman Vladimir Djukanovic to complete a joint debate on items 1 and 2, as well as a joint debate on items 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the agenda.
The Committee then proceeded to consider the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Employees in Autonomous Provinces and Local Self-Government Units and the Bill amending the Law on the Confirmation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, in principle, presented on behalf of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government by Ivana Milinkovic and Aleksandar Markovic, as representatives of the submitter, followed by a debate after which the Committee members accepted them by majority vote.
The Committee also considered, in principle, the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Constitutional Court, Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Protection of the Right to a Trial within a Reasonable Time, Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and Hungary on the Exchange and Mutual Protection of Classified Information and the Proposal of Candidates for the election of a member of the Council of the Anti-Corruption Agency, presented by Assistant Minister of Justice Jovan Cosic and Zlatko Petkovic of the Ministry of Justice, as representatives of the submitter.
Following a debate, the Committee members accepted, by majority vote, the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Constitutional Court, Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Protection of the Right to a Trial within a Reasonable Time and the Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and Hungary on the Exchange and Mutual Protection of Classified Information, in principle, as well as the Proposal of Candidates for the election of a member of the Council of the Anti-Corruption Agency: Vesna Lazarevic, retired judge of the Constitutional Court, Vladan Joksimovic, Belgrade lawyer, Nikola Simic, engaged at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Jovana Homan, “Strengthening Rule of Law in Serbia” project consultant, which they forwarded to the National Assembly for consideration and ruling.
The Committee then granted consent to the Rulebook on Internal Organisation and Job Systematisation at the Anti-Corruption Agency Support Service, presented by Agency Director Dejan Damjanovic.
The Committee also decided, by majority vote, to withdraw from Assembly procedure the Proposal of the decision on the termination of office of President of the Misdemeanour Court in Valjevo and not to accept the proposal to organise a public hearing with the topic “Amendments to anti-corruption laws and strategic documents in light of existing practice and international standards”.
The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Vladimir Djukanovic and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Ilo Mihajlovski, Andrijana Vasic, Miodrag Gavrilovic, Danijela Nestorovic, Jovan Palalic, Dejan Sulkic, Milica Nikolic, Djordje Todorovic, Djordje Komlenski, Prof. Dr Jelena Jerinic, Bratimir Vasiljevic, Dijana Radovic and Dr Balint Pasztor.