3 March 2023 Founding meeting of the Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum

3 March 2023 Founding meeting of the Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum

Friday, 3 March 2023

13th Legislature Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum Founded

The 13th Legislature Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum held its founding meeting today, opened by National Assembly Speaker Dr Vladimir Orlic.

Speaker Orlic pointed out that this is the fourth consecutive National Assembly legislature to have this informal group focused on analysing policies and solutions in the very important field of energy.

"Energy is in the background of all other solutions and policies, especially today in the specific circumstances created by the tectonic changes the world is experiencing," stressed Dr Orlic. He said that there have been major changes in the paradigm and relations in the various areas concerning energy, bearing in mind that for decades nuclear energy was considered potentially the most harmful and dangerous while today some consider it the best solution when it comes to protecting the environment.

The National Assembly Speaker pointed to the major crises that have befallen the world in terms of sources and transport channels, up to the final distribution of electricity to consumers. He added that the current crisis also concerns appropriate storage, electricity production and its price, in the uncontrolled conditions of the open market when both the price of oil and the price of gas change on an hourly basis.

"Thanks to the state policy we have pursued and the measures we undertook, the citizens of Serbia can be satisfied with the solutions we found in that difficult time and ensured a stable supply of electricity and its financial affordability," stressed Dr Orlic. He added that many questions still lie ahead to which we need to find answers, as do challenges that we will have to deal with in the future. He emphasised the important contributions of the Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum, a place of open political dialogue and high-quality expert discussion, where solutions were sought through dealing with strategic acts and passing laws.

In the introductory part of the meeting, the current Chairperson of the informal parliamentary forum, Dr Aleksandra Tomic pointed out that, since its establishment in 2015, the Forum has recorded an increasing number of MPs interested in participating in its work. This is the fourth National Assembly legislature to have a Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum as a platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas on the country's energy policy. She especially thanked the international and civil society partners, who had, as non-parliamentary members, contributed to the work of the Parliamentary Forum and expressed hope that this good cooperation would continue in the current legislature. Dr Tomic reminded the attending that the Forum was also recognised and acknowledged by the energy community, with which it has been working closely. She particularly emphasised the role the Forum played in 2021, considering several bills from the so-called Green Agenda, which contributed to the opening of negotiation chapters 4 - free movement of capital and 15 – energy, in the process of Serbia's accession to the EU.

"In addition to the fact that the Parliamentary Forum, although informal, represents a platform for dialogue between MPs, representatives of state authorities, relevant professional institutions, international and civil society organisations, it is also a place where information can be heard about plans to improve the country's energy policy, to prepare timely amendments to certain legal solutions, as well as a place to exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries on topics in the field of energy and the Green Agenda," said Tomic.

Following the introductory addresses, the present parliamentary members of the Forum, 31 of a total of 47, unanimously adopted the Decision on the establishment of the Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum, Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum Rules of Operation, and at the proposal of MA Milovan Drecun, re-elected Dr Aleksandra Tomic Forum Chairperson.

After the adoption of the founding acts and the election of Chairperson, who declared that she would continue to maintain continuity in its work, the members of the Forum briefly exchanged ideas on topics that need to be discussed in the following period.

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