Your Vote – Your Future

The program titled “Your Vote – Your Future” is implemented by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Secretariat General of the President of the Republic, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia.

Publication titled “Your Voice – Your Future” represents part of the program.

contact: Education and Assembly Heritage Presentation Group
contact telephone: 011-3026-273; 011-3026-236

Politics? Why should I be interested?

Have you given any thought to what your country is going to be like in ten or fifteen years, and to your place in it? Will you be living in a country that respects human rights, cares about the environment, fights poverty…? In a country where men and women are equal? In a country that will allow you to travel freely and see the world?

Download publication here (PDF, 1MB)
Download publication here - hungarian (PDF, 3.7MB)
Download publication here - albanian (PDF, 3.7MB)

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