National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details

Week of Parliamentarism, 12 - 19 December
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Week of Parliamentarism, 12 - 19 December
For the fourth year running, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia is organizing the “Week of Parliamentarism” (Parliamentary Week), 13-19 December, its public outreach effort intended to bring the Parliament’s work closer to the citizens.
This year’s “Week of Parliamentarism” is organized under the auspices of the 160th anniversary of St. Andrew’s Day Assembly and the first Law on the National Assembly. In view of this important historic date the “Week of Parliamentarism” starts tomorrow, on 12 December, the day the St. Andrew’s Day Assembly started its work 160 years ago (12 December 1958).
Once again, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will be organizing a series of events to create space for a debate on civic participation in democratic processes, the importance of an open parliament as an institution and different types of communication between the citizens and their elected representatives.
In cooperation with schools, faculties and various institutions and organizations, the National Assembly will be organizing meetings between the MPs and citizens and session simulations in several Serbian cities to teach young people about the legislative process. There is also going to be a “Children’s Day” featuring workshops and tours of the National Assembly for children to better acquaint them with the Parliament’s work.
For the duration of the “Week of Parliamentarism”, the Central Hall of the National Assembly House will have on display the first Law on the National Assembly, transcripts of the St. Andrew’s Day Assembly sessions and a photo of this historic event.
The concept of the “Week of Parliamentarism” was modelled after the UK Parliament’s “Parliament Week", launched in 2011, and has since last year been made one of the Assembly’s regular activities.