Thursday, 23 July 2009

Twelfth Sitting of the Environmental Protection Committee

The Environmental Protection Committee held its twelfth sitting on 22 July 2009. Pending the election of Deputy Chairperson, the sitting was chaired by the oldest Committee member present, Munir Poturak.

The Environmental Protection Committee held its twelfth sitting on 22 July 2009. Pending the election of Deputy Chairperson, the sitting was chaired by the oldest Committee member present, Munir Poturak. Deputy Svetlana Stojakovic-Milovanovic, from the Deputy Group For European Serbia, was unanimously elected Deputy Chairperson of the Environmental Protection Committee.

The Committee members considered the Bill on the Environmental Protection Fund, submitted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, in principle. On the behalf of the submitters, the sitting was attended by the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Oliver Dulic, and associates and representatives of the Environmental Protection Fund. Following the discussion, the Committee members accepted the bill in principle, by a majority of votes.

The Committee went on to discuss the particulars of the Bill on the Environmental Protection Fund. A total of 48 amendments had been submitted to the Bill. The Government and the Committee accepted 9 and rejected 39 of the amendments. The Committee submitted 3 amendments to articles 7, 16 and 22 of the Bill, which the attending representative of the submitters did not accept...

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thursday, 19 september
  • 12.00 - sitting of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 13.00 - the Deputy Chairman of the European Integration Committee meets with a member of Bundestag (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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