Thursday, 1 December 2011

Thirty-Eighth Sitting of the Culture and Information Committee

At the sitting held on 1 December, the Culture and Information Committee reviewed the Nomination of Candidates for Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection.

Explaining the nomination, Committee Chairperson Jelena Trivan said that on 3 November she invited the parliamentary groups to nominate candidates for Commissioner. The Liberal Democratic Party, For European Serbia and Socialist Party of Serbia – United Serbia parliamentary groups submitted their proposals on time, nominating the current Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic.

The Committee Chairperson said that Rodoljub Sabic has performed the office of Commissioner expertly and responsibly and greatly contributed to the exercise of right to information at the disposal of public administration bodies. She reminded that Rodoljub Sabic was elected to the post of Commissioner in December 2004 and has contributed to the establishment of this independent institution with the strength of his authority and integrity.

Following a short debate, the Culture and Information Committee unanimously formulated the Proposal of the Decision on the Election of Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection. The Committee concluded to submit the Decision Proposal, along with the candidate’s CV and statement that he accepts the nomination, to the National Assembly, proposing that it be passed under urgent procedure, in line with Article 168 of the Rules of Procedure.

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