12 March 2013 The National Assembly Speaker and the PACE President

12 March 2013 The National Assembly Speaker and the PACE President

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Support for Serbia’s Efforts in Getting Start Date for EU Talks

The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Jean-Claude Mignon, supported Serbia’s efforts toward getting the start date for the talks on EU membership.

He said that Serbia and the region as a whole must become part of the community of European states. The PACE President stressed that he was aware that Kosovo is a problematic issue, but its resolution would ensure a lasting peace and stability, so that one day all the countries in the region would become part of the Council of Europe and the European Union.
He opined that the Union still expects certain steps to be taken before granting said date, but the Council of Europe is ready to assist and advise to make sure that the efforts bear fruit.
National Assembly Speaker, MA Nebojsa Stefanovic said that, in the meeting with Mignon, it was concluded that Serbia had achieved progress in the implementation of overall reform, anti-corruption efforts included. Stefanovic and Mignon were pleased to commend the quality of the cooperation between the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Serbian parliamentary delegation to the Council of Europe, declaring it very constructive.
The National Assembly Speaker stressed that he was optimistic that Serbia would be granted the start date for the talks in June, adding that dialogue has shown that Serbia is ready to continue forward even in difficult situations.

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