Tuesday, 28 May 2002

Second Extraordinary Sitting in 2002 Called

Chairperson of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Natasa Micic called the Second Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2002 for 4 June, beginning at 10 in the morning.

Chairperson of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Natasa Micic called the Second Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2002 for 4 June, beginning at 10 in the morning.

Chairperson Micic called the sitting at the request of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which also set the agenda. The National Assembly is to discuss the Proposal of a Decision Modifying and Amending the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the Proposal of a Decision on the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Republic Electoral Commission and their Deputies.

The agenda of the sitting will also include the Local Elections Bill, as well as Bills on Providing Counter-Warranties of the Republic of Serbia to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for the Payment of Debts Incurred by the Belgrade Rail Transport Corporation and the Serbian National Power Generation Company with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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wednesday, 12 february
  • 13.30 - the Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee meets with the Czech Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly Building, 14 Kralja Milana Street, office 53)

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